Andreas Klipping Design

Andreas Klippinge is a sustainable designer with an innovative mindset, specializing in design for industrial manufacturing of furniture, lighting and functional everyday objects.
He believes that the key to good design is simplicity and to let human behaviors be the source of inspiration. The final product should be humble towards the user, long lasting, effective and include details that improve everyday life and give the eyes satisfaction.

AKD has a fascination for industrial production and values close collaboration with a limited number of companies. A sustainable design perspective runs through all partnerships in the form of conscious material choices and manufacturing processes, that not only take economical but also environmental and social aspects into account.

  • Contact
  • Andreas Klippinge Design
  • Italienska Palatset,
  • J F Liedholms väg 17,
  • 352 57 Växjö, Sweden
  • PHONE: +46 702 751 518
  • MAIL: andreas(at)
  • WEB:


2010 / 11 / 17

The Macula

Must say that I really like the Czech visual artist group called the Macula. Check this video out called Super-Menace from the Hilton hotel in center of Prague and also watch the video called Old town on their website. Here is their own explanation on what you're about to see:

The Macula project explores the relationship between image, sound and viewer. It fights the established limits and pushes the boundaries in search of alternative approaches. The goal is to achieve perfect symbiosis and satisfy audio-visual nihilism. Video mapping is a new visual style based on VJing. When the standard 2D projection screen was becoming too ordinary, efforts to find something new led to the discovery of open space projection on any surface.

Video mapping uses common entertainment technology in a new, innovative way. The main objective is to use projections tailored to the selected surface or object to shatter the viewer's perception of perspective. The projector allows bending and highlighting any shape, line or space. A suggestive play of light on a physical object creates a new dimension and changes the perception of a seemingly ordinary object.

Everything becomes an illusion.

2010 / 11 / 03

Photo lecture at Linnaeus University

Some samples from last week's lecture in studio photography and photographic basis at Linneaus University. The lecture was hold by AKD for the first year design students with specialization sustainability. AKD combines design and photography!

2010 / 10 / 26

How to grow a chair

Beautiful video on the making of the Vegetal chair by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec for Vitra. Read the full interview made by the international design magazine Abitare.

2010 / 10 / 21

Skapande Skola / workshop forts...

Bildspel från omgång två av 3-D skiss workshop med Fagrabäckskolan – som en del i projektet Skapande Skola (se nedan) – denna gång med klass 8D.

2010 / 10 / 19

Skapande Skola

AKD samarbetar med Fagrabäckskolan i Växjö och fyra stycken 8:e klasser (ca 90 elever), i ett projekt finansierat av Kulturrådet vid namn Skapande Skola. Min roll i projektet består i att jag inspirerar, undervisar, håller i workshops och handleder eleverna i den uppgift jag har varit med om att formulera. Projektet sträcker sig över hela höstterminen och ska resultera i en sittanordning för en bestämd målgrupp och en specifik miljö/situation, där eleverna jobbar i grupper om två.

Bildspelet ovan visar några modeller från dagens workshop med klass 8 E. Workshopen gick ut på att göra snabba skisser i modellform med hjälp av papper, kartong och ståltråd. Eleverna fick 5 minuter på sig att rita ett spännande bord, sedan 40 minuter på sig att göra en modell av handskissen.